Today, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services received 10,000 doses of COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) from the Australian High Commission.

While receiving the latest batch of vaccine at the Fiji Pharmaceutical Biomedical Medical Services, the Minister for Health and Medical Services, Dr Ifereimi Waqainabete, expressed his sincere gratitude to the Australian Government for the timely support in the fight against the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

“This is another example of further strengthening our “Vuvale Partnership” with the Australian Government and I would like to commend them for their continuous support and assistance.”

Dr Waqainabete adds that the details of the vaccination drive will be finalized next week and Fijians are encouraged to register now to get vaccinated.

The Australian High Commissioner to Fiji, Mr John Feakes, has reassured all Fijians that Australia will continue to work with the Fijian Government to combat COVID-19.

Mr Feakes is also urging all Fijians to adhere to the continuous advisories and COVID-19 safe protocols from the Ministry of Health.

“We need to support the Government and the relevant authorities in combating this global pandemic, COVID-19 and one way is to adhere to these health protocols.”

“We need to also encourage fellow Fijians that have not been vaccinated to come forward and be vaccinated.”

Australia has contributed $80 million towards ensuring equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for countries, including Fiji, through the COVAX Facility’s Advance Market Commitment.

Last Updated on 3 years by Publishing Team

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