Pacific Islands Health Research Symposium 2014

Theme: Broadening the Horizons in Health Research
Date: 28-29th August 2014, Suva; Fiji Islands
Call for Registration & Abstracts now open
Closing Date for Abstracts: Monday 30th June 8:00am (Fiji Time)

The Pacific Islands Health Research Symposium aspires to become an avenue that encourages Pacific Health Researchers to share their research findings in a collegiate and supportive environment.

The PIHRS recognizes that there are excellent health research initiatives being conducted the Pacific that often lack a forum in which they are appropriately presented.

If you have undertaken health research in any of the broad topics listed below, please consider submitting an abstract as a presenter or join us as a symposium participant. Abstracts may fall under these categories but are not limited to:

Climate Change & Health
Globalization & Health
Health Systems
Interventions for reducing Disease Burdens
Infectious Diseases
Public Health Policy
Social Determinants of Health
Culture & Health
Health Equity & Governance
Health & Law
Non-communicable Diseases
Research Systems (including Governance and Bioethics)
Trade & Health

Contact: for more information

Last Updated on 10 years by Publishing Team

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