New Nursing Station opens in Nayavuira 



The Minister for Health & Medical Services Mr Jone Usamate officially opened the new nursing station at the Nayavuira village on Friday last week.

The new nursing station will provide basic health services while patients with major complications will be referred to Rakiraki subdivisional hospital.

Mr Usamate while addressing the people at the opening told them to take extra care of their health, avoid unhealthy foods and engage in physical activities.

“Your health depends on how you care about it. The consumption of excessive amounts of sugar, salt and fatty foods contribute to the high risk of contracting of NCDs and this is something you should avoid”, said Mr Usamate.

Mr Usamate further stated that the Government is firmly committed to the provision of the best medical services. However, to uphold the Ministry’s vision of a health population, the people must also take ownership of their own health by practicing healthy lifestyles.

Meanwhile the Health Ministry is hopeful that the completion of the projected healthcare facilities in 2016 and the intake of more nurses and doctors will further strengthen health service delivery across the country.


Last Updated on 9 years by Publishing Team

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