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COVID-19 Situation Update – 23-04-2021

Media Release                                                                    COVID-19 Update Friday 23rd April 2021 As announced by the Permanent Secretary today, we have 0 new cases of COVID-19 to report. There remain 19 active cases in

COVID-19 Update – 03-07-2021

Media Release COVID-19 Update Saturday, 03rd July 2021 Transmission Update We have 386 new cases of COVID-19 and 2 COVID-19 deaths to report for the 24 hour period that ended

Princess Sarah Zeid visits Lautoka and Nadi Hospitals

Princess Sarah Zeid visits Lautoka and Nadi Hospitals Her Royal Highness Princess Sarah Zeid was accorded a warm welcome in the west as she visited the Lautoka and Nadi hospitals