More people booked for tobacco offences


The Tobacco Control Enforcement Unit (TCEU) of the Ministry of Health has registered a rise in the illegal sale and use of tobacco products.

As of the 31st of March this year, 35 people have been booked, while 162 people were prosecuted for similar offences last year.

The majority of offences included smoking in public places and the sale of single cigarette rolls. Meanwhile the while tobacco retailer licensees are being monitored regularly.

The tobacco control enforcement officers will be making spot checks to monitor the illegal sale and use of tobacco products so people should be mindful of the consequences if found guilty.

The Minister for Health and Medical Services Mr Jone Usamate said that the Ministry will not tolerate such offences, and offenders will be taken to task.

“Tobacco smoking remains one of the highest risk factors contributing to non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, etc. and we advise people to quit this deadly habit so we can breathe clean and fresh air”, Mr Usamate said.

Listed below are the offences and penalties of sale and consumption of Tobacco products.

  • Smoking in prohibited public places – Spot fine $200
  • Sale of loose cigarette rolls – Spot fine $1000
  • Failure by owner to display “no sale of cigarette to under 18” – spot fine $1000
  • Failure by owner to display “no-smoking ” – spot fine $1000
  • Failure by owner or person-incharge to prevent public from smoking in prohibited public places – Spot fine $1000.

The Tobacco are currently working in the western division after monitoring the central and eastern division.

Meanwhile a high turnout is expected at the proposed World No Tobacco Day celebration which will be held on the 31st of May in the northern division.


Last Updated on 8 years by Publishing Team

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