Health encouraged staff to step up performance


Media Release


Health Minister Dr Ifereimi Waqainabete encourages health staff to step up performance.

The Minister for Health and Medical Services Dr Ifereimi Waqainabete reminded the health staff that quality and efficient healthcare services should be the priority of the Ministry.

He issued this challenge to the staff members of the Ministry as he met them at health headquarters to brief them on the new initiatives that the Health Ministry will now embark on to provide a robust healthcare service delivery.

Dr Waqainabete highlighted that his very first concern is the provision of comfortable workstations for the staff so that they can discharge their duties diligently and efficiently.

“As senior managers of the Ministry you must ensure that the health facilities are maintained and resourced well that attract people to choose the  health department as their first choice of work”, he said.

Minister Waqainabete also directed the health staff to further strengthen the health services as a way forward to address the needs of the people.

“While I acknowledge your hard work, I want to remind you that you should be very professional with your work which will eventually meet the expectation of the patients as they look upon us one of the best service provider.

The Health Ministry has envisioned a major uplift in the health service provision with more staff positions to be created to increase the doctors/nurses patient ratio to international accepted levels and better and fully resourced health facilities for quick and easy medical services accessibility.

The Ministry will also be working with its stake holders for the timely promotional and awareness campaigns to be further enhanced to instill behavioral lifestyle changes in the people to minimize the risk of diseases and people live healthier lives.

Last Updated on 6 years by Publishing Team

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