The Fijian Ministry of Health and Medical Services advises that there are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Fiji.


Regarding reports of a Rwandan national being confirmed as a case of COVID-19 in Rwanda after arriving in that country on March the 8th from Fiji via the USA and Qatar: we have confirmed with the World Health Organisation that this person is the close contact of another confirmed case in Rwanda and he contracted COVID-19 from this other case after he had arrived in Rwanda. He did not get COVID-19 in Fiji, and there is no threat to Fiji from this case.


What can you do?


The Fijian Ministry of Health and Medical Services wishes to strongly urge the public to not share rumours and misinformation.  Just as we did during the measles outbreak the Ministry will inform the public as soon as possible once we have a confirmed case. Use credible sources for information on COVID-19:


Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services website

Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services Facebook page,

WHO website


How can you prevent yourself from getting COVID-19 and other diseases?


  • Frequently clean hands soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub
  • Avoid touching your face – especially your mouth, nose and eyes
  • When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw tissue away immediately and wash hands
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough – stay at least 1 metre away
  • Avoid unnecessary international travel
  • Avoid contact while greeting others



If you have been to a COVID-19 affected country in the last 14 days and develop a fever, cough or difficulty breathing immediately contact one of the numbers listed below. If you need to see a doctor please call ahead, using the following phone numbers, before visiting to reduce the risk of infecting other patients.


  • Central 2219905
  • Eastern 2219906
  • Western 2219907
  • Northern 2219908



Last Updated on 4 years by Publishing Team

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