Assistant Health Minister visits Yasawas.

Assistant Health Minister visits Yasawas.



The Hon. Assistant Minister for Health and Medical Services Mrs Veena Bhatnagar visited the Yasawa –i-rara nursing station last week to assess the provision of health services on the outer island.

The Health Ministry has plans to visit all health facilities around the country to gauge the health services provided and the issues affecting the provision of services.

Proving medical services on remote islands is very challenging and costly as the population is scattered with no roads, with health staff mostly reaching patients on foot.

Mrs Bhatnagar was informed by the staff nurse on the island of the difficulties staff faced to adequately serve these populations, such as travelling by boat to attend to emergencies, which becomes very expensive.

Madam Bhatnagar assured the staff that their grievances will be considered by the Ministry and the issues will definitely be addressed upon the availability of resources.

“I will look into the issues and will see that they are addressed as we do not want to deny people the best medical services available”, Mrs Bhatnagar said.

Madam Assistant Minister thanked the staff for the services rendered, despite the very challenging environment and hard-to-reach population.

Meanwhile, the Ministry will continue to visit the health facilities and address the increasing demand for medical services around the country.

Last Updated on 9 years by Publishing Team

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