Health: Antimicrobial resistance important

The Ministry of Health & Medical Services has noted that Fiji faces increasing levels and spread of resistant infections.

This was highlighted this morning by the Hon. Minister for Health & Medical Services Mr Jone Usamate at the 2nd Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on Microbial Resistance.

“The World Health Organization has recognized antimicrobial resistance as a global health threat, which requires a One Health approach”.

“In our Region, it is an increasing problem with some of the world’s highest rates of resistant microorganisms and infections. There is a risk that simple medical procedures such as surgeries will not be possible as infections become untreatable”.

The Health Ministry remains committed to improve health services which will lead to reducing morbidity and mortality.

Patients with resistant infections place a high burden on the health care system requiring additional resources that needs to be addressed.

“In Fiji we are committed to combating antimicrobial resistance and have declared it has one of our priority agendas. We are currently developing our national plan on antimicrobial resistance. This will be the first in the Pacific and hopefully serve as a model to other countries. We are also establishing an AMR task force to oversee the implementation of the plan through a One Health approach”, Mr Usamate said.

Meanwhile the 2 day consultation is being organized the Health Ministry in collaboration with World Health Organization and is being attended by Ministry of Environment, Agriculture, Fisheries, FNU, GP’s, Consumer Council, health staff and Pharmacists.

Last Updated on 9 years by Publishing Team

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