Savusavu hospital receives Rotary assistance


Minister for Health and Medical Services Mr Jone Usamate and other health officials tour the Savusavu hospital

The Savusavu Hospital was boosted with a $70,000 refurbishment to the infrastructure, particularly to the children’s ward and the adjacent wards and lounge by the Rotary club of Savusavu, supported by various Rotary clubs from North America.

The areas of work included an extended recreation centre on the children’s ward, retiling the critical wards, installation of air-conditioners, painting and mounting solar water heaters.

In addition to this the rotary club also provided a safe water station which will be used to purify drinking water.

The Minister For Health and Medical Services Mr Jone Usamate conveyed his gratitude to the Rotary club for taking this bold step in working in partnership with the Ministry to strengthen the health care services.

“On behalf of the government and the all those that use the health facility, I thank you for your donation to the people of Cakaudrove by enhancing the facilities in Savusavu hospital. I acknowledge your hard work in sourcing funds from your various branches to complete the refurbishments”, said Mr Usamate.

The Savusavu hospital have previously been the beneficiary of a number of projects undertaken by the Rotary club and through this partnership will be rewarded further in the future.

Mr Usamate addressed the Savusavu Health staff on good leadership, and ways to inculcate this in their subordinate staff.

“You must accept the vision and the mission of the Ministry as your own vision and mission, so that you become part of the Ministry and in this way you will definitely improve on your performance.”

Mr Usamate will continue touring the Northern health facilities last week.


Last Updated on 9 years by Publishing Team

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