Public Advisory

Sunday 06th June, 2021

The Naitasiri COVID-19 Command Center headed by Sub-Divisional Medical Officer Naitasiri and assisted by the Provincial Administrator and Roko Tui Naitasiri have put together a plan to help control overcrowding at the Sawani Border in Naitasiri.

Due to the closure of the border in recent weeks, Sawani had been experiencing the flooding of people from the highlands, including:-

i) farmers selling their farm produce;
ii) people needing to withdraw money from Nausori Town;
iii) people needing groceries to be purchased from Nausori Town;
iv) people using services provided by MPaisa (Vodafone), MyCash (Digicel) Social Welfare and the Westpac EFTPOS machine (operated by an Agent);
v) people taking advantage of the mobile retail supermarkets;
vi) buyers from the Red Zones; and
vii) friends and families exchanging goods at the border.

As a result of the availability of limited space at the Sawani Border (in-front of Sawani Police Post) and the need to minimise the presence of villagers in any day during the week, the Team has drawn up a timetable which hopefully, will ensure:

i) crowd control and
ii) effective containment system at the border.

Various districts (tikina cokovata) have been grouped together and allocated separate days to come to Sawani to conduct their business. On the same note, the people of Naitasiri are being encouraged to take advantage of the canteens in their villages and communities or the merchandise shops at Vunidawa including the post offices in Lomaivuna and Vunidawa.

The sole intention is to limit the number of people flooding to Sawani for essential items/agendas only which cannot be provided back at their various communities.

For medical clinics, people are advised to check the Naqali Health Center or Vunidawa Hospital.

Farmers are to note that through agricultural officers, fertilizers, pesticides and weedicides are being sold at the Sawani Border every Wednesdays by South Pacific Fertilizers (SPF).


DAY                          TIKINA
Monday                   Lomaivuna / Naitasiri / Waimaro
Tuesday                   Matailobau / Wainimala
Wednesday             Lomaivuna / Naitasiri / Waimaro
Thursday                 Matailobau / Wainimala
Friday                       Lomaivuna/ Naitasiri / Waimaro
Saturday                  Wainimala / Lomaivuna / Waimaro


Last Updated on 3 years by Publishing Team

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