Media Releases

Vaccination Rollout Update

Vaccination Rollout Update

PRESS STATEMENT COVID-19 vaccines shipped by COVAX

COVID-19 Awareness Resources

Children Vaccine Brochure

Factsheet for children

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Last Updated on 3 years by Publishing Team

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COVID-19 Update – 10-09-2021

Media Release  COVID-19 Daily Update Friday, 10th September 2021 Transmission Update We have 143 new cases of COVID-19 to report for the 24 hour period that ended at 8am yesterday.

COVID-19 Update 20-10-2022

COVID-19 Update Thursday 20th October Transmission Update: Since the last update on 13/10/2022, we have recorded 9 new cases. Of the 9 cases recorded, 4 cases were recorded in the

Health Ministry launches awareness program on breast cancer

Breast cancer cases in Fiji is on the increase because women refuse medical treatment or they do not present themselves early for medical checkups. This was revealed at the Colonial