National advisor dietetics and nutrition Mrs Jiutajia Tikoitoga addressing the participants at the CWM Hospital


As part of the National Breastfeeding Week, the CWM Hospital launched a three day training workshop for the medical staff to upskill their knowledge on breast feeding.

During the workshop the nurses, doctors and midwives will be further trained .This will help them improve service delivery and create more awareness for mothers on the benefits of breastfeeding.

While launching breastfeeding week, the National Advisor on Dietetics and Nutrition Mrs Juitajia Tikoitoga strongly mentioned that the baby must be given the utmost care and it should never be compromised.

“We cannot deny the baby what is rightfully theirs and in this case breast milk is the best for the them therefore we don’t have the right to take this away from them”, said Mrs Tikoitoga.

When babies are breastfed, no other nutrients are required to supplement their diet as it contains all the ingredients for the healthy growth of the baby.

The training of the medical staff will conclude on Friday, with an oratory contest and the presentation of certificates to the participants.

Meanwhile The Ministry of Health has been encouraging mothers to breastfeed their babies as there is no equivalent substitute to breastfeeding.

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Last Updated on 9 years by Publishing Team

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