Health Ministry encourages backyard vegetable gardens 


The Health Ministry encourages the public to invest in backyard vegetable gardens especially with the prevalence of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, anemia, and obesity in the country.

Establishing a vegetable garden in the home is cost efficient and will prove beneficial to the family. Not only will this provide a source of fresh vegetables but is a form of physical activity as well.

Vegetable gardens will also provide a daily source of vitamins and minerals required by the body to thrive.

Home gardens will also allow people to budget and save money that would otherwise be spent on groceries and poor food choices.

Many do not try vegetable gardening due to limited yard space. However, there are other options available such as planting vegetables in pot plants or buckets.

The Health Ministry has established vegetable gardens at its hospitals and health facilities around the country.

People are encouraged to source fresh vegetables and incorporate them into their daily diets. This fresh food will help limit non-communicable diseases caused by poor diet choices including heavily processed foods.

Last Updated on 8 years by Publishing Team

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