Mental Health services highlighted at GP’s conference.


Minister for Health and Medical Services Mr Jone Usamate speaking to the General Practitioners (GPs).

The Minister for Health and Medical Services Mr. Jone Usamate welcomed the initiative of addressing mental health issues as the objective of the Fiji college of General Practitioners annual conference this year.

This advances the mission of the Health Ministry in assisting people to achieve their full health potential through the provision of preventative, curative and rehabilitative services.

Minister Usamate told delegates that the health ministry has been exploring effective means to collaborate with all stakeholders in the provision of a comprehensive mental health service.

To this effect, Mr. Usamate said that the National Mental Health Strategic Plan 2012-2016 has been aligned to the WHO Comprehensive Mental Health Action plan 2013-2020.

“Ministry of Health and Medical Services will continue to monitor, evaluate and review crucial laws, policies and regulations to ensure codes of practice and collaboration with mental health stakeholders is well advanced in Fiji,” Mr. Usamate said.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Health has introduced stress management wards in divisional hospitals and plans are formulated to introduce such services in the sub-divisional wards, with the training of the public health staff in the mhGap by the end of 2016.

Mr. Usamate also said that the GPs could be involved in the provision of health services in their sub-division to further enhance healthcare for the people.

Last Updated on 8 years by Publishing Team

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