LDS Charity Assists Penang Sangam Primary School

Assistant Minister for Health and Medical Services Ms Veena Bhatnagar with Mr & Mrs Stanford and the children of Penang Sangam Primary School.



Penang Sangam Primary School hosted a colourful event to welcome the donation of desks and chairs from the Latter Day Saints (LDS) charity after the school suffered massive damage during TC Winston.

This timely donation was received by the Assistant Minister for Health and Medical Services Hon Veena Bhatnagar who was also a former scholar of this school.

Mrs Bhatnagar acknowledged the kind gesture of the LDS Charity and particularly Brother Frank Stanford who worked tirelessly to secure the donation from New Zealand.

“I thank the LDS Charity for this wonderful assistance for the benefit of the children of Penang Sangam School, as we need such good Samaritans to care for the needy and the disadvantaged,’ said Mrs Bhatnagar.

Brother Frank Stanford of the LDS Charity said he was pleased to assist the school as he was bound by duty to reach out to the needy.

“I do this as your humble servant and this is a small token to boost the educational welfare of the children of Penang Sangam Primary school,” added Mr Stanford.

The school head teacher Mr Rajesh Kumar acknowledged the donation and conveyed his appreciation to the LDS charity.

“This donation will definitely make an impact on the children’s education and we are very fortunate to have been the chosen one as our school suffered almost 95% of damage from the monster disaster.” Mr Kumar said.

The donation included 280 desks, 30 swivel chairs, 3 smart boards, 2 tables all worth approximately $10,000.

Last Updated on 8 years by Publishing Team

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