The very first edition of the Health Ministry’s new “Health and Wellness” lifestyle neswletter is out! Click on the link below to access a digital copy of our new helathy living inspiration:

Health & Wellness – 1st Edition

Last Updated on 8 years by Publishing Team

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Mobile fever clinics services for the Suva lockdown zone

There are currently 14 cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Fiji. The Government will advise the public as soon as possible should this change. The Fijian Ministry of Health and Medical

COVID-19 Update 09-03-2022

COVID-19 Situation Update Wednesday 09th March Transmission Update: Since the last update, we have recorded 26 new cases of which 14 new cases were recorded on 08/03/2022 and 12 new

COVID-19 Update 23-05-2022

COVID-19 Update Monday 23rd May Transmission Update: Since the last update, we have recorded 57 new cases of which 32 new cases were recorded on 20/05/2022; 7 new cases were