From Left Sahaydri Specialist Hospital DirectorPROF Mannu Munibhargav, Health Minister Jone Usamate,Durdamya Munibhargav and sports Minister Laisenia Tuitobou at CWM hospital.


Screening is very important to determine your health status and this will help you make appropriate decisions to maintain a long and healthy life.

This was revealed by the Minister for Health & Medical Services Hon Jone Usamate as he visited the CWM hospital where patients were screened for cardiology, advanced orthopaedic and oncology by the visiting medical team from India.

Fiji has recorded a rise in Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) therefore people should be aggressive in maintaining healthy lifestyles and get screened periodically to monitor their health status.

Mr Usamate said that people with such medical conditions usually present late to health facilities when they are on the end stage of the illness therefore it becomes very difficult to assist them.

“The Ministry of Health and Medical Services in conjunction with its developing partners tirelessly creates opportunities for such medical screening programs and I urge people to take advantage of such programs and get screened”, said Mr Usamate.

The Sahaydri speciality hospitals (Fiji) in partnership with Ministry of health facilitated a team of specialists from India to provide free medical screenings at various health facilities in Fiji this week.

Last Updated on 8 years by Publishing Team

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