Meet the New Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical services Mr Philip Davis


“I was excited when I took up the position of Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Medical Services this week. I follow in the footsteps of several much-loved leaders and I will work hard to build on their achievements. I am also humbled by the fact that I am just part of a much bigger team. Good health services need good teamwork. We all know and value the wonderful work of our doctors and nurses. They are supported by hundreds of others ‘behind the scenes’ whose efforts ensure you and your loved ones receive the care you need. It’s vital that all of ‘Team Health’ works together so those services are there when they’re needed. In fact, every Fijian is also a member of ‘Team Health’ who can make their own contribution to staying fit and well by quitting smoking (or not starting), eating healthier foods, getting up moving about every day and, if we do consume alcohol, doing so in moderation. That’s how we can all help build a winning team”.

Last Updated on 8 years by Publishing Team

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