All Special Out-Patient Department (SOPD) services will not be available at the Labasa Hospital from Tuesday 14th April 2020.

Members of the public in the greater Labasa area are advised that the Special Outpatient Department (SOPD) services will be available at the following venues:

  • Obstetric, Surgery and Orthopedics patients will be seen at the Scouts Hall near the Hospital next to the swimming pool.
  • Medical, Eye, Pediatrics and dental patients will be seen at the Sangam School of Nursing building in Labasa Town.

A temporary fever clinic has also been set up along Jaduram Street in Labasa Town. This will be operational from Tuesday as well.

All GOPD services at the Labasa Hospital will continue at Nasea Health Center.

However, all emergencies and deliveries will still be accepted at the Labasa Hospital.

Hospital visiting hours remain reduced- from 11 am to 12 pm daily with only one visitor allowed per non-COVID 19 related patient.

Last Updated on 4 years by Publishing Team

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