Laughing Samoans at CWM

Laughing Samoans at CWM Eteuati Ete and Tofiga Fepulea’i, known as the Laughing Samoans, visited children who have been diagnosed with cancer Saturday morning at CWM Hospital. In partnership with WOWS Kids, a charitable organization for children living with cancer and other life threatening diseases, and Damodar Cinemas, conducting a fundraising campaign for towards WOWS…

Emblematic Stories Launched by Assistant Health Minister

Emblematic Stories Launched by Assistant Health Minister   The Hon. Assistant Minister for Health and Medical Services Mrs Veena Bhatnagar launched UNDP’s project “Emblematic Stories”. “Emblematic Stories” is a project from SCEFI (Strengthening Citizen Engagement in Fiji Initiative), which over the last 3 years has promoted civic engagement, economic empowerment and natural resource management, women and…

US Navy donates equipment to strengthen mosquito survelliance

US Navy donates equipment to strengthen mosquito survelliance The Ministry of Health and Medical Services has received 10 microscopes and surveillance equipment from the US Navy to assist health staff prevent emerging preventable diseases This equipment will be used to monitor the density and distribution of mosquitoes in the divisions and subsequently facilitate control interventions…

Health Minister opens medical conference The Minister for Health and Medical Services Mr Jone Usamate officially opened the 58th Fiji Medical Association conference last week, as medical officers from around the country gathered together to discuss concerns raised on disaster management and patient care. At the height of disasters, the Health Ministry works behind the…