EU Fun Run

EU Fun Run Leading by example, the Minister for Health & Medical Services, Hon Jone Usamate took part in the European Union (EU) Fun Run that happened over the weekend. Despite the early morning drizzle, Mr Usamate energized the crowd and thanked the EU for organising such an event. “As we all know, July is…


NCD MONTH  The Ra health sub-division in collaboration with other government departments organized a march to signal the commencement of the July National NCD screening month. The people of Ra were advised to present themselves to the health facilities for checkups to update their medical status. The Honourable Assistant Minister for Health Mrs Veena Bhatnagar…

LDS Charity Assists Penang Sangam Primary School

LDS Charity Assists Penang Sangam Primary School Assistant Minister for Health and Medical Services Ms Veena Bhatnagar with Mr & Mrs Stanford and the children of Penang Sangam Primary School.   Penang Sangam Primary School hosted a colourful event to welcome the donation of desks and chairs from the Latter Day Saints (LDS) charity after…


NCD SCREENINGS The month of July will mark the Non-communicable disease month of the Ministry of Health. Together with the launch on Friday, the various health facilities will be conducting screenings for the public. People are advised to present themselves for check ups at the following venues in the central division. Dates and venues for…