Health: Rheumatic Heart Disease is preventable

 Health: Rheumatic Heart Disease is preventable   The Hon. Minister for Health & Medical Services Mr Jone Usamate said that while recent research has shown that Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) is a common cause of death in the pacific, it is preventable through early diagnosis and targeted interventions. This was revealed today at the launch…


  MINISTER IMPRESSED WITH TISI SANGAM NURSING SCHOOL The Minister for Health and Medical Services Hon. Jone Usamate today visited the TISI Sangam School of Nursing and acknowledged the partnership between the school and government in terms of educating more nurses for the country. “I am impressed with the midwifery models and the capabilities of…

Savusavu hospital receives Rotary assistance

Savusavu hospital receives Rotary assistance Minister for Health and Medical Services Mr Jone Usamate and other health officials tour the Savusavu hospital The Savusavu Hospital was boosted with a $70,000 refurbishment to the infrastructure, particularly to the children’s ward and the adjacent wards and lounge by the Rotary club of Savusavu, supported by various Rotary…

Strengthening Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific

 Strengthening Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific The Honourable Minister for Health and Medical Services Mr. Jone Usamate (front row 4th from left) and Director Health Information Research and Analysis Mr. Shivnay Naidu (second row 5th from left) attended the first meeting of the regional (Asia and Pacific) steering group in…