
The Colour Explosion 2016 took place on the 30th of January in Lautoka. This event promotes physical activity and healthy living.

Last Updated on 8 years by Publishing Team

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COVID-19 Update 18-04-2022

COVID-19 Update Monday 18th April Transmission Update: Since the last update, we have recorded 4 new cases of which 1 new case was recorded on 16/04/2022; 3 new cases were

COVID-19 Update – 25/01/2021

  Media Release                        25th January 2021 There have been 0 new cases of COVID-19 since the last update on January 22nd, and there are currently

Media release 3: Measles

. The Ministry of Health and Medical Services is declaring an outbreak of measles for the Serua/Namosi Subdivision. There have been two (2) confirmed cases and two (2) suspected cases