Laughing Samoans at CWM


Eteuati Ete and Tofiga Fepulea’i, known as the Laughing Samoans, visited children who have been diagnosed with cancer Saturday morning at CWM Hospital.

In partnership with WOWS Kids, a charitable organization for children living with cancer and other life threatening diseases, and Damodar Cinemas, conducting a fundraising campaign for towards WOWS efforts, the Laughing Samoans brought smiles to families in preparation for their show. They invited patients and their families to the show as well.

Supporting children with cancer has been a passion of the Laughing Samoans for years, and they continue to use their talents as a way to give back to the community. Proceeds from the event will go towards relief efforts of TC Winston. The Health Ministry thanks the Laughing Samoans and their partners for their efforts.


Last Updated on 8 years by Publishing Team

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