Nurse Practitioners undergo training to improve skills


A 3-day National Nurse Practitioners Capacity Building workshop will allow participants to improve their skills, practice and performance through professional development.

This workshop is being held at the Pearl Resort and was officially opened the by Acting Permanent Secretary for Health & Medical Services Dr Meciusela Tuicakau this week.

28 nurse practitioners from around the country are attending this workshop with hopes to further enhance their knowledge and keep up with rapid technological developments in patient care.

While addressing the participants, Dr Tuicakau encouraged them to be focussed and seek every opportunity to broaden their knowledge and be more competent in service delivery.

“I am sure that you will gain a lot through this workshop and will effectively incorporate the skills acquired to improve on the delivery of service in your own locations”, said Dr Tuicakau.

Dr Tuicakau also highlighted the Ministry’s overall objectives and plans to address health service delivery and has called on nurse practitioners to be mindful of the same so that the expected services are delivered accordingly.

Nurse practitioners were also reminded of the need to upskill the scope of their practice to meet the new challenges emerging through many factors such as climate change and escalating non-communicable diseases.

The workshop will feature various topics such as accident and emergency practice, home based nursing services, and obstetrics protocols & clinical guidelines.

Meanwhile, the first ever National Nursing Scientific Symposium will commence from the 19th to the 20th of November 2015 at the Pearl Resort. The Hon. Minister for Health & Medical Services Mr Jone Usamate will officially open this first ever symposium.


Last Updated on 9 years by Publishing Team

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