
The Ministry of Health and Medical Services staff braved the wet and chilly weather before dawn on Wednesday last week to join the President of Fiji His Excellency Major General (Ret’d) Jioji Konrote for the morning walk to mark Physical Activity Month for the Ministry. A keen walker himself, the President is passionate about encouraging all Fijians to move more.

“Physical activity doesn’t have to mean joining a gym. Playing with your kids, taking the stairs instead of the elevator– it’s all about moving. Walking is free, it is easy, and it is something we can do just by stepping out the door. We are all aware of the threats of NCDs and what behaviours can help us avoid these issues, now it is time to walk the talk”, he said.

Physical activity is one main factors which can reduce the risks of NCDs, and every citizen should make it a part of their daily life.

The Hon. Assistant Minister for Health and Medical Services Mrs Veena Bhatnagar was also present to lend her support. “This was a reminder that physical activity can be practised by anyone at anytime,” she said.

Physical Activity Month has begun with full momentum following The President’s Walk. Certified and student physiotherapists began the month with a corporate training session at Vodafone Headquarters on World Physiotherapy Day. On Friday 9th September, the Health Ministry conducted a continuing education workshop for local practitioners.

Last Updated on 8 years by Publishing Team

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